24th LD Democrats elects new officers

On December 8, 2018, over 50 Democratic Precinct Committee Officers from across the 24th Legislative District (Clallam, Grays Harbor, and Jefferson counties) elected new Executive Officers: 

Chair: Bruce Cowan, mrbrucecowan@gmail.com 
Vice Chair: Julie Sa’Leit’Sa’ Kwina Johnson,Vice Chair
State Committee Representative: Diane Jones
State Committee Representative: Joe McGimpsey
Chair-appointed officers:
Treasurer, Kris Grier, pending appointment
Secretary, pending appointment

Congratulations to the recently elected chairs of each county party, who also serve on the Executive Committee of the 24th LD Democrats:

Chair, Clallam County Democrats: Tony Corrado
Chair, Grays Harbor County Democrats:  Jamie Nichols
Chair, Jefferson County Democrats: Marty Gilmore



